Loose Cannon Brewery Mock Rebrand

During second year of uni, my work began to steer towards packaging and branding. I explored this in this packaging design project, redesigning some branding for a local brewery and taproom in Abingdon on Thames.

I gave myself 3 weeks to present rough designs of three products, two merchandise designs and a promotional social media post.

My Process

I planned a research trip to take photos and learn a bit more about ‘Britains oldest town’.

This later informed my designs which celebrated the towns rich history by picking out some of it’s iconic architectural features, including the archways at the abbey ruins which frame the label designs.

Other shapes, colours and pattens forming Abingdon’s identity are woven throughout my designs. Gothic features from St Helen’s Church, Abingdon Bridge and the towns signature red brick houses appear, commemorating the towns industrial history.

I created branded t-shirts for the brewery, to test the transferable nature of my designs and a promotional social media post using some of the key visual assets from the labels.


Love Park Mural